March was a fantastic month for Crave Culinaire. See below some pictures of the best events and happenings we had, including our appearance on CNBC’s Restaurant Startup. We are very grateful for the support in our community and blessed with a great team.
Feeling the love at our Viewing Party
Front page of the Naples Daily News
Crave Culinaire on the front of Naples Daily News – business section
Collaboration with former White House Executive Chef Walter Scheib
Latest dessert creation by Crave Culinaire: Tangerine Mousse with Candied Raspberries White Chocolate Cloud, Grand Marnier Pearls, Hazelnut Dust & Micro Basil
Latest appetizer by Crave Culinaire – Pomegranate~Tellicherry Peppercorn Laquered Pork Loin, Red Onion Confit, Moutarde de Meaux Cloud Micro Cilantro
Team Crave had its largest sit down dinner event (300 ppl plated dinner) for the Boys and Girls Club’s Youth of the Year at Artis!